Chow Tai Seng Exclusive Services
Service Detailed Rules Table
Pure Gold
K Gold
Diamond Inlaid
Gem Inlaid
Pure Gold Inlaid With Diamonds
Silver Inlaid
Jewelry accessories can be provided with free cleaning services immediately at each store counter. For inlaid jewelry,if gemstones are lost,will have to bear the cost of the gemstones. Whether jewelry can be restored to its original shape through plastic adjust shape depends on the actual deformation of the jewelry Renovation and electroplating of jewelry items requires a consumable fee (there will be a slight loss in polishing)

“√” In the table indicates that this category of jowelry can onjoy corresponding after-salos service itoms, and "\"indicates that this category of jewelry does not enjoy corresponding after-sales service items. Maintenance and
general after-sales sorvices can be emjoyed at any Chow Tai Sang jewelry store in mainland China;

Pure gold-inlaid jewelry (referring to gold-inlaid jade, pure gold-inlaid gemstones, and other types of jewelry except pure gold inlaid with diamonds) can only enjoy maintenance and regular after-sales services. For specific
charging methods, please refer to the " Customer Service Detailed Rules Tuble";

The craftsmanship and production materials of the Van Gogh series of jewelry (FG) are special. All jewelry in this series are not eligible for after-sales services such as trade-in or modification;

Jewelry whose fourth letter in the inlaid style number (jewelry label) is "l" is not eligible for after sales services such as trade in or modification. For example COLB1234X;

Silver jowelry or silver-inlaid jewelry parchased through official online channels (including but not limited to Chow Tai Seng Tmall flagship store, official cooperative live broadcast room, WeChat applet, etc.) have launchod a special
online after-sales service policy. Fordetails, please consult the platform' sonline custumer servide ;

The jewelry ropair time must be hased on the time provided by the store cabinot. If it neods to be returned to the factory for repair processing, it will take about 25 working days (including the store cabinet processing time, the time
for the jowelry to be mailed back and forth, and headquarters after-sales department jewelry repair processing time);

Returmingjewelry to the factory for repair requires your owh expemse: accessory fees, material fees (plus gold material fees), round-turip mailing, and insurance fees;

Loss standard: The weight of the ropaired jowelry maybe different from the origiml jewehry, which noeds to be dotermined according to the actuaal condition of tho jewelry. Please comwult the store for spocific details;

Movable accessories. such as spring buckles camnot be ropaired omce broken or malfunctioned, and must be replaced at your own espense:

Due to diffenences in measurement equipment, the weight of the jewelry may have a fair difference greater than or less than 0.01g from the warranty record. This fair difference complies with national measurement related regulations;

For some gold and platinum jewelry with a purity >900%, due to wear or manufacturing process requirements, the purity requirements for its accessories are: gold A900, platinum P1900, and the solder purity requirements are gold
Au900, platinum Pt800;

The sold jewelry will not be returned or exchanged due to not quality issues. For jewelry with an identification certificate, you need to bring the relevant certificate with you when enjoying the exchange service. f the certificate is lost or
damaged, you will need to pay the certificate testing fee related to thejewelry. Please consult the store counter for dotails on furmiture fees;

Warm reminder: For gold, platinum, 18K and 22K precious metals, you should try to avoid contact with chemicals such as perfumes, cosmetics, skin care products, acids, household cleaners or pesticides to avoid chemical effects,
discolorafionor damage..Also,do not wear it while bathing orswimming.Bumping or squeezing it hard may cause damage or deformation of the jewelry, so it should not be worn while doing sports or sleeping.Gertain styles,such
asjewelry with complex structures and hollow designs, are difficult to repair once damaged or deformed, so they need to be worn with caution;

In addition to membership activities, jewelry discounts and promotions will vary by store and format;

Regular/personalized rope braiding services are notwithin the scope of after-sales service strips. If necessary, you can go to the original purchase store or the nearest store counter to learn more about the service strips;
Related accessories from Chow Tai Seng store cabinets and Chow Tai Seng classic store cabinets can onjoy cross store after sales service;

In onder to better provide services and adapt to market changes, the above individual service details may be adjusted, and the actual details will be subject to the store without prior notice;

Pure Gold lf the jewelry style and craftsmanship allow, the circle mouth change range is size up 3 sizes or down3 sizes. Jewels that are damaged due to non-quality reasons but can be repaired can enjoy labor-free repairservices.
K Gold
Diamond Inlaid
Gem Inlaid
Pure Gold Inlaid With
Silver Inlaid
JRing jewelry is limited to less than 5 characters that can be realized by engraving equipment (only numbers and letters) For inlaid jewelry,if gemstones are lost,will have to bear the cost of the gemstones. Renovation and electroplating of jewelry items requires a consumable fee (there will be a slight loss in polishing)

“√” In the table indicates that this category of jowelry can onjoy corresponding after-salos service itoms, and "\"indicates that this category of jewelry does not enjoy corresponding after-sales service items. Maintenance and
general after-sales sorvices can be emjoyed at any Chow Tai Sang jewelry store in mainland China;

Pure gold-inlaid jewelry (referring to gold-inlaid jade, pure gold-inlaid gemstones, and other types of jewelry except pure gold inlaid with diamonds) can only enjoy maintenance and regular after-sales services. For specific
charging methods, please refer to the " Customer Service Detailed Rules Tuble";

The craftsmanship and production materials of the Van Gogh series of jewelry (FG) are special. All jewelry in this series are not eligible for after-sales services such as trade-in or modification;

Jewelry whose fourth letter in the inlaid style number (jewelry label) is "l" is not eligible for after sales services such as trade in or modification. For example COLB1234X;

Silver jowelry or silver-inlaid jewelry parchased through official online channels (including but not limited to Chow Tai Seng Tmall flagship store, official cooperative live broadcast room, WeChat applet, etc.) have launchod a special
online after-sales service policy. Fordetails, please consult the platform' sonline custumer servide ;

The jewelry ropair time must be hased on the time provided by the store cabinot. If it neods to be returned to the factory for repair processing, it will take about 25 working days (including the store cabinet processing time, the time
for the jowelry to be mailed back and forth, and headquarters after-sales department jewelry repair processing time);

Returmingjewelry to the factory for repair requires your owh expemse: accessory fees, material fees (plus gold material fees), round-turip mailing, and insurance fees;

Loss standard: The weight of the ropaired jowelry maybe different from the origiml jewehry, which noeds to be dotermined according to the actuaal condition of tho jewelry. Please comwult the store for spocific details;

Movable accessories. such as spring buckles camnot be ropaired omce broken or malfunctioned, and must be replaced at your own espense:

Due to diffenences in measurement equipment, the weight of the jewelry may have a fair difference greater than or less than 0.01g from the warranty record. This fair difference complies with national measurement related regulations;

For some gold and platinum jewelry with a purity >900%, due to wear or manufacturing process requirements, the purity requirements for its accessories are: gold A900, platinum P1900, and the solder purity requirements are gold
Au900, platinum Pt800;

The sold jewelry will not be returned or exchanged due to not quality issues. For jewelry with an identification certificate, you need to bring the relevant certificate with you when enjoying the exchange service. f the certificate is lost or
damaged, you will need to pay the certificate testing fee related to thejewelry. Please consult the store counter for dotails on furmiture fees;

Warm reminder: For gold, platinum, 18K and 22K precious metals, you should try to avoid contact with chemicals such as perfumes, cosmetics, skin care products, acids, household cleaners or pesticides to avoid chemical effects,
discolorafionor damage..Also,do not wear it while bathing orswimming.Bumping or squeezing it hard may cause damage or deformation of the jewelry, so it should not be worn while doing sports or sleeping.Gertain styles,such
asjewelry with complex structures and hollow designs, are difficult to repair once damaged or deformed, so they need to be worn with caution;

In addition to membership activities, jewelry discounts and promotions will vary by store and format;

Regular/personalized rope braiding services are notwithin the scope of after-sales service strips. If necessary, you can go to the original purchase store or the nearest store counter to learn more about the service strips;
Related accessories from Chow Tai Seng store cabinets and Chow Tai Seng classic store cabinets can onjoy cross store after sales service;

In onder to better provide services and adapt to market changes, the above individual service details may be adjusted, and the actual details will be subject to the store without prior notice;

Pure Gold
K Gold
Diamond Inlaid
Gem Inlaid
Pure Gold Inlaid With Diamonds
Silver Inlaid
  1. Some store counters offer pure gold,platinum,and K gold trade-in services other than this brand.Please consult the store counter for specific details;
  2. The weight of new pure gold or platinum jewelry must be higher than the weight of old jewelry.Can exchange multiple pieces for one and one piece can be exchanged for multiple pieces;
  3. Pure gold jewelry can only be exchanged for new pure gold jewelry with the same pricing method.If there are special exchange requirements,the calculation will be based onthe store counter exchange standard;
  4. The price of 18K gold,22K gold,fixed-price pure gold (hard gold,high-quality products,copyrighted jewelry and 5G jewelry,ete.),fixed-price platinum new jewelry must be higher than the price of old jewelry
  1. Diamond-encrusted jewelry can be exchanged for similar jewelry.After the exchange,the diamond jewelry can still enjoy the exchange service;
  2. Diamonds are exchanged for jewelry-inlaid jewelry (except gold-inlaid jade jewelry):the exchanged jewelry-inlaid jewelry will no longer enjoy the exchange service;
  3. When exchanging old diamond-encrusted jewelry for new ones,you need to follow the exchange principle of exchanging small items for large ones.You can exchange one item for multiple items,or multiple items for one item.The price difference will be calculated based on multiple items or depreciation charges will be charged.
  4. If other jewelry is given as a gift when purchasing diamond jewelry,the trade-in store will need to take back the gifted jewelry.If the gifted jewelry is lost,relevant fees will need to be paid The trade-in of diamond-encrusted jewelry is limited to the counters of the original sales store.If the counters of the original sales store are withdrawn,or in other special circumstances,
  5. you can call the customer service hotline for consultation.The relevant exchange standards must be determined according to the actual situation of the jewelry
For diamond -inlaid jewelry,you can choose your favorite style at the store counter or through the "CHOW TAI SENG High-end Customization APP or Mini Program"and pay a deposit (50%of the price of customized diamond jewelry).The actual gold and diamond information of the customized finished product shall prevail. The original Chow Tai Seng brand diamond jewelry can be selected and remade at the counter. Related expenses:material fee (plus gold material fee),loss fee,labor fee,certificate fee,mailing and insurance fee Pure goldt: fyou exchange pure gold priced by gram weightfor pure gold jewelry priced by gram weight, a depreciation fe of RMp25/gram wil be charged, and the labor cost of newjewelry will be charged separately according to the label:Pre gold priced by piece (hard gold, highr qualitv products, copvrighted jewelry, 5 and 5 jewelry, etc.,;: Deduct depreciation and lossbased on20%6 ofthe seling price of the oldiewelrv,and the converted amountem

pure gold jewelry sold in the store at a priced by piece:igram for platimnum jewelry priced by gram, you will be charged a depreciation fee of 60RMB/gram if you exchange the same quality grade or a

Platinum:fyou exchange platinum pricedhighergrade for a ower grade. The first level difierence inthe content of used goods wilbe 20RM/gram. For example:the depreciation feefor exchanging pi9s0 for p90 is 80 RMBlgram,and so on: the labor cost of new jewelry is additionally calculated according to the label;Plalinum

pnriced bv pieces: Deluct depreciaion andlos based on20% ofthe seline pnce ofthe oldiewelny. and the convered amout can be redeemed fornatnumiewelr sold in storewith prices priced by pieces;can be used to redeem similar jewelry in the store.

18K,2k Gold: deduct deprecialtion and los based on259% ofthe seling price of the old jewelry (K gold gitchain desnot participate in the redempion activity,andthe converted amount
Redemption standards for pure gold inlaid diamond jewelry:

Pure gold and iamond encrusted items priced bv piece: The price ofthenew ewelry must be at least 20% higher thanthesales price ofthe old iewely, and when the sales pric of the old jewelry is <5.00 kM,the minimum supplementamount mustbe > 1.00 kM.0ld pure gold and diamond-encristed iewelry priced on a piecebv-piece basis can be exchaned fo inlaid jewelry, but the inlaid jewelry that can be exchanged should be subiect to the specifc instructions at the store counter.

Pure gold with diamonds priced by the gram:Calculated based on the actual weight of the old jewelry,a depreciation fee of RMB 25 per gram will be charged.The labor cost of the new jewelrv xit bechargat separatelv acordmg toth elahe Theconverted aimount can be uset to redeein the rul goid hewelry pirautby the gran in the store.Gold or ptre gold ewelrr witn nof erjoy any discounts at the exchange store.
Redemption standards for diamond-encrusted jewelry at the original sales store:

The price ofthe new jewelry must be atleast 20% higher than the sales price ofthe ol jewelry, and when the sales price of the oldjewelryis <5,00 khl,the minimum diference amounmust be >1,00 Rhl. f the exchange price diference sles than & ,00piece,in addition to making upthe price diference,a depreciation fe ofRMp 0piece wil becharged; hedepreciation fee for group inlaid luxury models will be RMB 800/piece.

*When applyne for the tradein serice for diamond-encrusted iewelry, the old jewelr wil be exchanged athe sales price, and the new jewelry wil noteniov any discounts athe erxchangstore.

“√” In the table indicates that this category of jowelry can onjoy corresponding after-salos service itoms, and "\"indicates that this category of jewelry does not enjoy corresponding after-sales service items. Maintenance and
general after-sales sorvices can be emjoyed at any Chow Tai Sang jewelry store in mainland China;

Pure gold-inlaid jewelry (referring to gold-inlaid jade, pure gold-inlaid gemstones, and other types of jewelry except pure gold inlaid with diamonds) can only enjoy maintenance and regular after-sales services. For specific
charging methods, please refer to the " Customer Service Detailed Rules Tuble";

The craftsmanship and production materials of the Van Gogh series of jewelry (FG) are special. All jewelry in this series are not eligible for after-sales services such as trade-in or modification;

Jewelry whose fourth letter in the inlaid style number (jewelry label) is "l" is not eligible for after sales services such as trade in or modification. For example COLB1234X;

Silver jowelry or silver-inlaid jewelry parchased through official online channels (including but not limited to Chow Tai Seng Tmall flagship store, official cooperative live broadcast room, WeChat applet, etc.) have launchod a special
online after-sales service policy. Fordetails, please consult the platform' sonline custumer servide ;

The jewelry ropair time must be hased on the time provided by the store cabinot. If it neods to be returned to the factory for repair processing, it will take about 25 working days (including the store cabinet processing time, the time
for the jowelry to be mailed back and forth, and headquarters after-sales department jewelry repair processing time);

Returmingjewelry to the factory for repair requires your owh expemse: accessory fees, material fees (plus gold material fees), round-turip mailing, and insurance fees;

Loss standard: The weight of the ropaired jowelry maybe different from the origiml jewehry, which noeds to be dotermined according to the actuaal condition of tho jewelry. Please comwult the store for spocific details;

Movable accessories. such as spring buckles camnot be ropaired omce broken or malfunctioned, and must be replaced at your own espense:

Due to diffenences in measurement equipment, the weight of the jewelry may have a fair difference greater than or less than 0.01g from the warranty record. This fair difference complies with national measurement related regulations;

For some gold and platinum jewelry with a purity >900%, due to wear or manufacturing process requirements, the purity requirements for its accessories are: gold A900, platinum P1900, and the solder purity requirements are gold
Au900, platinum Pt800;

The sold jewelry will not be returned or exchanged due to not quality issues. For jewelry with an identification certificate, you need to bring the relevant certificate with you when enjoying the exchange service. f the certificate is lost or
damaged, you will need to pay the certificate testing fee related to thejewelry. Please consult the store counter for dotails on furmiture fees;

Warm reminder: For gold, platinum, 18K and 22K precious metals, you should try to avoid contact with chemicals such as perfumes, cosmetics, skin care products, acids, household cleaners or pesticides to avoid chemical effects,
discolorafionor damage..Also,do not wear it while bathing orswimming.Bumping or squeezing it hard may cause damage or deformation of the jewelry, so it should not be worn while doing sports or sleeping.Gertain styles,such
asjewelry with complex structures and hollow designs, are difficult to repair once damaged or deformed, so they need to be worn with caution;

In addition to membership activities, jewelry discounts and promotions will vary by store and format;

Regular/personalized rope braiding services are notwithin the scope of after-sales service strips. If necessary, you can go to the original purchase store or the nearest store counter to learn more about the service strips;
Related accessories from Chow Tai Seng store cabinets and Chow Tai Seng classic store cabinets can onjoy cross store after sales service;

In onder to better provide services and adapt to market changes, the above individual service details may be adjusted, and the actual details will be subject to the store without prior notice;

Cleaning And
Maintenance Of Jewelry
Jewelry Cleaning
1. Cleaning Of Precious Metal Jewelry
Gold daily cleaning method for k-gold and platinum jewelry: soak in alkaline cleaner, gently brush with a soft bristled brush, rinse with clean water, and finally wipe with soft suede or cloth and air dry.
2. Cleaning Of Jewelry
Daily cleaning method for jewelry: first, place the jewelry in a container filled with warm water and diluted soap solution, soak for 30 minutes, then gently brush with a soft bristled brush, rinse with water, and then use soft cotton.
Jewelry Cleaning
Jewelry Maintenance
Query Authenticity
Provide National Jewelry And Jade Quality Supervision And Inspection Center (Ngtc)
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Service Time
Monday To Sunday 09:00-21:00
(Excluding Spring Festival And National Statutory Holidays)
Service Time
Monday To Sunday 09:00-21:00
(Excluding Spring Festival And National Statutory Holidays)